
Our bright and airy building is all on one level and separated into areas dedicated for children 0- 2 years (Tiny Terrapins), 2- 3 years Dinky Dolphins and 3+4 (Pre-school) and out of school/holiday club (4 – 8.11 years).

Each area is set up to promote all aspects of learning, for example children’s imaginations flourish as they develop their creative and play skills through dressing up and messy play; cosy areas provide opportunities to relax, build relationships and reflect upon their day. Open-ended resources and heuristic play equipment promote curiosity and extend concentration, physical skills are also stretched as children explore and investigate, and children develop a sense of wonder and awe as they learn about the world around them through celebrations, learning about other cultures and our amazing community.

Our additional sensory room provides a cosy space where children’s sensory needs are met with a range of stimulating/calming sensory equipment. Lovely meals are prepared in our kitchen ready for hungry tummies in our dining area, a cosy sleep room is always at the ready when the children need a rest or recharge their batteries, separate changing facilities always provide privacy, office space and staff room complete the indoors.



Our innovative outdoor environment has a variety of areas to encourage all aspects of learning and meet the needs of all children. We grow a variety of produce such as potatoes, peas and beans in our poly tunnel. Trees, hills and willow tunnels are great for our budding explorers and risk-takers, wendy houses and mud kitchens develop our imagination and our working stream is ideal for cooling down on a warm summers day!


We also have an on-site Kitchen with a dedicated cook who provides daily healthy meals and snacks for the children.